
2002 Manchester Commonwealth Games Collection


British windmills: a bibliographic guide

237 items

Archives relating to Cosgrove Hall Films and the Series 'Bill and Ben'

0.3 linear metres

Archaeological Archive for Macintosh Mill

1 item

"An international assessment on the role of agricultural science and technology in reducing hunger and improving rural livelihoods" Science and Technology Journal

1 report

Correspondence between Burke, Adrian Butt and Cockburn regarding Science Review panel report and Pusztai's comments in the media, particularly about Burke

1 report

"Safety issues associated with the DNA in animal feed derived from genetically modified crops. A review of scientific and regulatory procedures"

1 item

"Crops of uncertain nature?" Plant Research International by De Visser, Nrjhuis, Elsas & Dueck

1 folder

"Guideline statement on GM crops" background leaflet

1 item

Press cuttings August 2001


Press cuttings and other media items A-H

1 item

Biotechnology workshop Madrid

1 item

"Biotechnology and genetic resource policies"

1 item

"The debate over food biotech: is societal consensus achievable?" presented at a symposium on biotech communications 'Fortune or Fiasco?'

1 item

My work with computers from the Ferranti Mark I to the ICT 1900 (1952 - 1966). M H (Harry) Johnson.

1 item

"Beyond the book of life" Vol 408 issue 21

1 item

"Harnessing the potential of genetically modified microorganisms and plants"

1 item

Application for research grant "Deployment of NBS-CRR disease resistance genes by natural selection in wild Arabidopsis"

1 folder

MM02 Share Certificates

1 book

"Genen en gezondheid"

1 item

Food Standards Agency Consumer Poll

newspaper cutting

"GM crops giant Monsanto pulls out of Europe"

Agricultural Biotechnology Council (ABC) "New choices, new challenges, new approaches - moving forward in the GM crops debate"

Agricultural Biotechnology Council (ABC) "New choices, new challenges, new approaches - moving forward in the GM crops debate"

1 item

Biotech Commission press cuttings Nov/Dec 2002 and minutes of stakeholder meeting Sept 2002

1 report

"Safety assessment for transgenic sweet pepper and tomato"

1 item

"Guidelines 2000 scientific advice & policy making from chief scientific adviser"

1 item

CD containing Polyethylene PowerPoint Presentation for the Science Museum

1 item

Report on the Science Museum Ferranti Pegasus computer while it was originally with the Skandia Insurance Co. during 1959 � 1961.

1 item

Early history of J Lyons & Co.

1 item

"Biotechnology has backing of global scientific community"

1 VHS tape

BBC Breakfast – launch of debate

1 item

Brochure entitled 'Mars Express and Beagle 2'

1 item

"Let the facts speak for themselves"

1 item

"Economics of Identity Preservation for Genetically Modified Crops"

1 large file

Press cuttings folder late 2000

1 item

"The implications of Spring-sown genetically modified herbicide-tolerant crops for farmland biodiversity"

1 item

"Wonderweed" New Scientist

American Council on Science and Health "Biotechnology and food"

American Council on Science and Health "Biotechnology and food"

1 item

From Ross Finnie at Scottish Executive regarding Health and Community Care Committee report on Inquiry into GM crops

1 book

"Genetic engineering, food and our environment" A brief guide by Luke Anderson

1 item

"New choices, new challenges, new approaches"


Caldwell Observing Award of The Astronomical League

1 file

2003 Press cuttings related to genetically modified crops

1 item

"Future developments in crop biotechnology" Issue paper 6


Scrapbook No. 23, May-July 2000

9 items

External brochures

1 report

"Fields of the future - GM crops" The Scientific Alliance conference proceedings

1 item

Swedish Technology Foresight "The foresighted society"

newspaper cutting

"GM technology fails to win blanket approval"

1 item

"Patently ridiculous" New Scientist